Strategic Vision
The development of sport in Airlie Beach has two main roadblocks, the first is a lack of available land and the second is a lack of available money as the local council is operating under severe budget constraints.
Unfortunately we have had to not accept some junior sports as we simply don’t have anywhere they can play. Discussions with Parks & Leisure Australia (PLA) confirm that our 2 rectangular fields are currently running at over 150% of its ‘carrying capacity’. This is based on three senior soccer teams, one senior rugby team and 15 senior touch teams all training and playing on both fields. This doesn’t account for the junior players in rugby, touch and the football teams which would take this over 200% of ‘carrying capacity’. As a result towards the end of the winter playing season the fields tend to look a bit tired and worn.
Mission Statement
‘To develop the Whitsunday Sportspark into a national class multi sports facility and sports club leveraging off our unique position within walking distance to the iconic tourism township of Airlie Beach.’
Short Term Strategic Vision
1. To realign the rectangular field allowing a new smaller field to be built alongside Shute Harbour Road. This will involve relocating the blue clubhouse over to the top oval, rearranging a portion of the carpark, additional fencing, relocating and upgrading lighting and irrigation. See concept plans attached. (Completed 2019)
2. Relocate Netball Whitsunday to new grounds. Due to the unstable nature of the ground under the existing netball courts they require regular expensive relaying of bitumen. Land at the southern end of the top oval has been earmarked for future netball and basketball courts. ( Stage 4 of the overall plan)
3. Migrate one or more of the three sports currently using the rectangular fields up onto the top oval to better distribute usage. This would be match day games on a seasonal basis. With the relocated canteen and new changerooms this would help to maintain all fields in the best condition possible.
This will give us the ability to develop the main rectangular field as the premium surface for all senior competition matches and utilize the smaller new field for training and juniors. The main field will be multi use for rugby, soccer and any premium games and the surface can be prepared accordingly with the associated grandstands and clubhouse facilities. The relocated clubhouse and canteen for the oval field will develop the sale of drinks and food, provide an easily accessible base for staging sport on this field and also a facility to continue trading in conjunction with the main clubhouse.
Benefits should flow to the community through increased sports participation and the ability to attract high class sporting events to leverage the significant tourism infrastructure of Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays.
Long Term Strategic Vision 1
To develop a Whitsunday Sports club on the existing top two level clubhouse site as a full, commercial trading club with bar and bistro facilities. Profits from this facility could then be used to develop and fund the Sportspark and sport in general throughout the town and broader shire. ( completed 2021)
long term Strategic vison 2
To develop a large scale junior sporting complex around Cannonvale to cater for increased demand from population growth. Should the final stages of the Port of Airlie development come to fruition the provision of additional reclaimed land and extension of our existing facility would be ideal. This would provide the ‘utopia’ of an integrated junior and senior multi use facility backed by a commercial trading Sports club in one central location.